When we started to talk about human rights, mainstream human rights organizations barely acknowledged the economic issues we claimed were central for most women in the world–including in the US–like rights to food, housing and health care. MADRE’s founders were determined to build an organization https://catbot.online/blog/2022/12/29/the-un-refugee-agency/ that was both clearly focused on concrete issues and able to sustain a political practice as complex as the reality of continue reading https://latindate.org/central-american-women/nicaraguan-women/ women’s lives. Ana Maria’s case provides insight into the contextual factors effecting her ability to realize her sexual and reproductive health and rights in Nicaragua where restrictive legal policies and conservative cultural norms around sexuality abound. These contextual risk factors include social norms related to sexual health, laws targeting VAW, and the criminalization of abortion. The government’s reporting on victim identification and protection was unreliable and often varied from source to source. The government reported identifying two sex trafficking victims, both girls, in 2021, compared with one victim in 2020 and eight in 2019. In a separate forum, the government reported identifying six child trafficking victims in 2021.

Women who need or want an abortion face not only the health risks that accompany an unsafe procedure, but additional criminal penalties. The total ban on abortion violates the human rights of both health care providers and women nationwide, as well as the confidentiality inherent in the patient-provider relationship. It also results in a ‘chilling effect’ where health care providers https://www.aphidas.com/filipino-families/ are unwilling to provide both abortion and postabortion care services for fear of prosecution. During the reporting period, Nicaraguans continued to encounter problems obtaining national identification cards, which increased their vulnerability to trafficking and limited their ability to access public services. The government required private employment agencies to register to permit government oversight and established minimum wages and maximum hours for adult and adolescent domestic workers; it did not report identifying forced labor in these sectors. The government did not report any efforts to inspect bars or nightclubs suspected of engaging in trafficking or any efforts to reduce demand for commercial sex. The government reported it took no action to reduce demand for child sex tourism, suggesting the government may have discontinued a previously reported Ministry of Tourism program to increase awareness of child sexual exploitation in the tourism industry.

Additionally, 21% of these women reported an overlap between both emotional and sexual violence, with 31% of these women being sexually and/or violently abused during their pregnancy. Her plan is to give female goats to women and girls in nine families in three rural communities. The families would then be able to sell goat milk, cheese and soap at local markets and then possibly breed the females with a male goat placed in each community. In remote communities on the North Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, Indigenous women are in danger. They suffer from high rates of abuse at the hands of their partners. They need information on the services available to them, including safe housing. But often that information is out of reach-too far away, or written in a language they don’t understand.

With the previous experience in mind, when one member discovered the issue, she had the strength and skills to stand up for the rights of the group. As The Red was learning to circulate the money, it was discovered during an assembly that one of the leaders took an unauthorized loan. Gilda facilitated a series of discussions with the women, who decided how to transition the leadership, and a payment schedule for the woman involved. They conducted annual assemblies to share their work and learnings, and the groups individually continued to receive grants from Mary’s Pence. With the goal of increasing local ownership and leadership, Mary’s Pence transitioned responsibility for follow-up with the grantees to the local organizational leaders. “At the heart of our work are the women,” explains Gilda Larios, ESPERA Team Lead.

Rates of domestic abuse, violence against women, and femicide, defined in Nicaraguan law as a crime committed by a man who murders a woman “in the public or private sphere,” have increased since 2019, OHCHR reported in February 2021. Between July 28 and August 26, 2021, authorities ordered the closure of 45 NGOs, including women’s groups, international aid organizations, and several medical associations. In 2019, Army Commander in Chief Julio César Avilés Castillo called NGOs “coup-plotters”. The women’s group, she said, is devoting its efforts instead to promoting domestic work as »a valuable social contribution» and acquainting mothers with proper health care for their families.

Women’s struggle in Nicaragua: from liberation fighters to building an alternative society

Whether they’re working with crops, computers or cars, women face similar challenges in technical education and careers. Despite their training, Juana says the women still face some resistance in their work, such as when they visit nearby farms to give recommendations on crop or livestock care. EL RAMA, Nicaragua – When Juana Carolina González became pregnant at age 19, she feared she would have to give up her education like so many other young women in her hometown of Muelle de los Bueyes. Panelists will address issues for women in leadership roles in the context of protests and the effects of repression . This panel will include prominent International experts and Nicaraguan activists who have been working for gender equality, justice, democracy and freedom. NICE WORK. I have half of my family, Nicaraguenses, living there.

Alliance for Global Justice

Due to the sensitive nature of this work, individual partners at Proyeto Paz y Amistad have asked not be named publicly as authors on this work, although their partnership was instrumental in the implementation of this study. Ana Maria had the same recurring dream every night for more than two weeks and she continued to feel depressed weeks after leaving the hospital. One of the sources of her depression was the isolation she felt because there was no one with whom she could share this experience. When she was 19, Ana Maria was raped by her godfather, a close friend of her family. Through thorough analysis, we examine the impact of these contextual factors that impacted Ana Maria’s experience.

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By the 1980s, however, they formed a large and growing part of the salaried harvest labor force in cotton and coffee. Because men assume little of the domestic workload, the growth in female labor force participation has meant a double workday for many Nicaraguan women.

This has resulted in the tremendous growth of suburbs, spreading out from the city without a long-term plan. Like other Latin Americans, Nicaraguans place a great importance on family and the protection of personal dignidad, or dignity. This extends outward to a collective feeling of national pride among the Nicaraguan people. This nationalism is represented by heroes and martyrs in the history and folklore—especially the leader fighting against colonial influences.