As a company looking for an online data room provider you should select one that provides all the essential features you require. Find features that will make your due diligence process more efficient and smooth.
For instance, if you’re conducting due diligence for several investors or potential acquirers, you’ll need to ensure that all parties can read documents at the same time without the need to make copies. This is difficult to do in physical documents, which is why the virtual data room the ideal solution for M&A transactions.
You’ll also want a virtual data room with the Q&A module, which allows parties to submit questions and get answers from your team on an encrypted platform. Certain VDR providers provide this feature as part of their package however, others charge a fee for it.
Another feature to look for is a dashboard that displays important statistics regarding your project. This is helpful in tracking the progress of your due diligence and determining if you have achieved your objectives. The dashboard will help you decide when to end your due diligence, and also if you need to adjust your plan.
The last thing to consider is user-friendliness. Make sure that the virtual data space you choose is easy to navigate for all users. Review reviews from trusted platforms like G2 and Capterra. See what real customers think of the interface of the vendor and how easy it can be for different users.